ERTHEO has organised among its clients of the football camps of this summer 2022 a Storytelling Contest in first person about how the boys and girls have lived their experience in the Camp.
They have been very enthusiastic and have sent us some very nice stories that we want to share with you.
They have told us how the experience of attending one of our Summer Camps has changed them: how it has helped them improve their sport and language skills, the friends they have made, the challenges they have faced and how being away from their families has made them more mature and independent.
The winning story will be awarded an online Football Course with a world-class team of youth coaches.
We invite you to vote for your favorite story at the following link, to give it a better chance of winning!
We congratulate and thank all the young athlets who took part and wish you all the best of luck!
Here are the stories:
Story by Riccardo Pivi
“What a thrill when I crossed the threshold of West Ham’s Olympic Stadium in London – and I didn’t want to go! My parents managed to convince me: football and studying English in London. After a busy year, I needed a break.
As a right-back in the best defence in the regional league, I had spared no effort. The thought of two weeks of study and football scared me. But the lure of London and West Ham won out and I found myself at London City Airport.
What attracted me was the chance to live like a professional player at 16: an international environment with kids from all over the world.
The impact with London was not so easy: the taxi dropped me 1 km away from my destination, but I managed. The residence where we stayed was above my expectations. A room with a view of the Thames.
Sunday rest and finally on Monday the first training sessions. I had already made friends with guys from Germany and the USA. They are all champions when they talk. And the Americans are very good at talking. But on the pitch it’s different. We Europeans are used to tougher competition than our American friends, who complain about the way we play.
At the beginning it was difficult, but as the days went by and with the language classes in the afternoon, my English improved. The best thing was the friendship that developed between all of us. In the evening, after dinner, the battles that had started in the camp continued with banter.
During the weekend we visited London, a truly international capital with endless stimuli.
I will always carry this experience in my heart, with friendships that continue through social media as we follow friends on their performances. Long live London, long live West Ham.”
Liverpool Summer Camp, England
Today, Friday 02 December, we have carried out the Draw of the Contest, and the Winner has been:
Congratulations to him, who will soon be enjoying the online football course that he has received as a prize!
Many thanks again to all the participants for their enthusiasm, and to all the family and friends who voted for them!
Here we share the video of the draw: