Sports 🏊

How to federate as a club football player in Spain, Mexico, Colombia, England, USA, Italy and France

Professional football is becoming more and more organised as time goes on, so if you want your child to become a football player you need to be aware of all the paperwork associated with the process. One concept that revolves around the 'professionalization' of a footballer is his or her federative license. This is aRead More »How to federate as a club football player in Spain, Mexico, Colombia, England, USA, Italy and France

How to recover from soccer injuries

Regardless of how skilled, strong and athletic you are; you may sustain a soccer injury. Even the healthiest, most agile soccer players get injured – soccer can be an unpredictable sport, and accidents can happen. It only takes the slightest of bumps, trips or slips for you to potentially pull a muscle, or even break a bone. It is therefore important that you understand how to recover from injuries effectively. Effective recovery means that you can remain healthy. Furthermore, it means that you can return to the pitch and start playing the sport you love as quickly as possible. In… Read More »How to recover from soccer injuries

partido de un jugador del equipo de la academia de Barcelona

Easter Soccer Camp | Barcelona Academy | Ertheo Education & Sport

The Barcelona soccer academy is offering young stars the opportunity to attend an Easter soccer camp during Easter break 2023. This is an exclusive opportunity to experience high-performance training at one of the best residential soccer academies in Europe. Student will train with qualified, professional coaches on the same training grounds as full-time students inRead More »Easter Soccer Camp | Barcelona Academy | Ertheo Education & Sport
alumno del campamento de fúbol en navidad de Barcelona remantando

Barcelona High-performance Winter Holiday Soccer Camp | Ertheo

For advanced soccer players (boys and girls) from 6 to 21 years old who want to spend their winter holiday break improving their skills at one of the best soccer academies in Europe. Jump to section Overview ............................................... 1 Program options .................................... 2 Training ................................................. 3 Coaches ................................................. 4 Camp schedule ....................................... 5 Accommodation .....................................Read More »Barcelona High-performance Winter Holiday Soccer Camp | Ertheo

Top Soccer Training Tips to Boost Your Skills Today! With Guest Coach Aaron Conniff-Broome

We are always looking for top soccer training tips and advice for young players. After all, it is our quest to help budding players, parents and coaches to understand the many challenges they may face on the road to becoming a professional. For our latest words of wisdom we turned to Aaron Conniff-Broome, Head CoachRead More »Top Soccer Training Tips to Boost Your Skills Today! With Guest Coach Aaron Conniff-Broome