With two degrees, one from the superior school of Dietetics and Nutrition and another from the superior school of Pharmacy, Sara Garcés is an expert in nutrition. She describes herself as a fan of all things science and nutrition. In fact, this great interest in science and nutrition led her to publish her first book Eat, Live, or Die, a novel about nutrition that invites us to participate in the lives of eight very different characters.

Advice for young athletes
According to Sara Garcés, a child’s diet should be based on the daily consumption of vegetables and fruits. Young children need a lot of energy to get through the day, and Garcés recommends feeding children nuts and legumes to provide them with high quantities of fiber and vegetable protein they need to stay energized and alert in school and at practice. She also recommends that young athletes consume whole grain foods rather than white, refined grains, and that they consume plenty of fish, eggs, and lean meat as all three foods are great sources of animal protein.
“There are plenty of reasons to teach young children about the importance of eating correctly and to steer them away from bad habits – the most important being that eating poorly could lead to serious health problems in the future.”