Silvana Vigo is a personal trainer, a motivational coach, a nutritionist and a hiking fanatic. She centers her work around nutrition, sports, and hiking. She even organizes different hiking routes so that clients can get to know all the hidden beauties of Spain. She’s a strong supporter of the idea that balance of emotional intelligence, physical intelligence, nutritional intelligence, and finanical intelligence is essential in order to experience personal growth.

Advice for young athletes
A sandwich as a snack is a tradition that some have condemned in recent year. However, Silvana Vigo supports the great number of nutritionists that hold the belief that a low calorie sandwich with lunch meat is exactly what children need to face the afternoon full of energy. Vigo says 15% of the energy of a child’s complete diet should come from the snack.
“Each person is their own unique world, and each personal nutritional plan should be just as unique. It’s important to adapt these plans to the person, not the other way around. The ideal would be to get to know a person’s background and history including their previous diets and problems that have occurred while dieting, then to use that information to create a personalized plan.”