Sports Vs. addiction to new technologies

Emotional disorders among young people

Isolation from primary groups is harmful at any age. Humans are a social animal and need these inner circles, which are mostly family and friends. The consequences are aggravated in the case of children and young people who are still developing, because somehow, they are atrophying their emotional intelligence by not developing certain naturally skills learned in the most basic relationships.

Some professionals such as Carlos Hue, Doctor of education sciences and psychologist, concerned about this issue, warn of the dangers: “They are being deprived of the ability to manage themselves in an interpersonal context like flirt, a job interview or family and friends contact.” In fact, Hue goes further by recommending schools to care about these emotional aspects’ development even above other more
intellectual or rational ones, since, in his opinion, it’s useless “for them to be well prepared in math or language but do not know how to communicate and establish relationships.”

In this context, a new element appears that makes these existing deficiencies and attachment disorders even worse, and it is the new technologies.

Mute Generation: What’s happening to our young people?

The Mute Generation is the name that psychologists, pedagogues, sociologists, or media have been using for some time to name those young people and adolescents whose addiction to cell phones leads them to be in “mute” most of the time and communicate preferably through their phones or other electronic devices. They are digital natives and easy move in any application, but their preferences point to those of  instant messaging: WhatsApp (the most used and widespread), Facebook Messenger, Telegram…

If we think about it, we must recognize that any of us uses these channels to communicate, however, if you are the parent of a teenager who fits this profile, you will know perfectly what we are talking about: it is easier to talk through messages than in person. And this, which might seem normal for a young person at this age, is aggravated when we detect that this person does not talk to colleagues or friends, which would be the most natural thing. Their fear is not being left without friends, or not being accepted, but being left without their mobile, something that already has a name given its frequency: nomophobia (no-mobile-phobia).

Addiction to new technologies and awareness

Experts do not hesitate: the addiction to new technologies is rising reality. Psychologists specialize, courses focused on it are taught and the health system identifies and recognizes it as one more dependency. This problem is not exclusive to children or teenagers, as many adults can also develop it, although it is true that the youngest are especially vulnerable.

Given their skills and digital immersion, teenagers and young people are the largest group in this type of addiction, and this is where parents, family and friends are required to be alert so they can identify it on time, since the only way to solve a problem is to recognize that such problem exists.

Once our suspicions are confirmed, we must talk to them, communicate our observations, even at the risk of them getting angry and denying it, and if necessary, seek the help of a professional or therapist. The first step is to observe the behavior of our children in case we detect changes in it.

These are some “signs” that can put us on alert:

  • Lack of control and helplessness when not being able to use electronic devices.
  • Irritability and distress, which can lead to aggression if they are removed from them.
  • Giving up activities they used to enjoy. Now they just want to be at home playing games or with the mobile.
  • Family, school and social consequences, with more conflict and detachment. A social maladjustment in these cases will cause them to lock themselves even more in their virtual world, creating a vicious circle difficult to stop.
  • Sleep disorders, as the natural cycle is interrupted. The most important thing for them is to keep playing, or watching the screen in case a new message comes in.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, which in addition to being an alarm indicator is also a serious health problem.

Sedentary lifestyle and new technologies

Due to its relevance, sedentary lifestyle (because of an uncontrolled use of new technologies) deserves a separate chapter since it can lead to anxiety or depression. Or put another way: there are metabolic disorders that go beyond physical damage such as obesity or prediabetes, diseases that are appearing at younger ages now.

And again, it is the snake eating its own tail: I sit all day, eating badly, in front of a screen without moving, and since I look fat I am ashamed to go out, so I don’t go out and I spend more time in front of the screen, eating more to satisfy my frustration, and getting fatter…

Sport, the best medicine

The best medicine to be prescribed for these cases is to perform any physical activity, since it prevents this behavior and helps to overcome them and avoid relapses. Among its innumerable advantages in these cases, we can highlight:

  • Increased security and self-esteem, which leads to an increase in general well-being.
  • Decreased stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Improvement of physical condition and risk factors associated with its deterioration.
  • Increasing appetite and sleep, promoting healthier lifestyle habits.
  • Improved balance and coordination.
  • It helps in social and communicative relationships, especially with group sports.

Team sports like soccer or basketball, or joining an athletics or karate club (to name just a few examples of endless possibilities), have added value, since they add to the advantages of physical exercise, the benefits of belonging to a group (support and commitment).

In our society, soccer is, without question, the most widespread sport, the one most followed and the most practiced by young people since school. This proximity can facilitate a first approach, a first contact and, with a little perseverance, give very good results, all of which makes it highly recommendable in any situation, but especially if we want to win the battle against cyberaddictions and dependence on new


New digital generations: Mute generation

The “mute” generation or young people who prefer messages or audios over calls.

Addiction to new technologies: Networks and internet psychological danger

How does physical exercise help to overcome an addiction?

How to recognize a digital addiction in teenagers?

The impact of soccer on children

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